or, by contraction, भेन From, with, or by the fear of; by the influence of the apprehension of; occurs much in popular phraseology. Ex. सर्वा भेनें जावें पण प्रारब्धा भेनें कोठें जावें Wemay flee from all fears, dreads, and terrors, but from the fear of Destiny, ah! whither can we flee? रोगाभेन कांहीं गोड लागत नाहीं; देण्याभेन मला कांहीं सुचत नाहीं; पैक्याभेन बुद्धि पालटती; पोटाभेन, तोंडाभेन &c. Pr. गोड गारा असत्या तर कोल्ह्याभेनें न उरत्या.