PAÑCAJANA A Prajāpati. He gave his daughter Pañcajanī (Asiknī) in marriage to the great sage and law-giver Dakṣa. [6th Skandha, Bhāgavata] .
पञ्च—जन m. m. (
pl. ) the 5 classes of beings (viz. gods, men, गन्धर्वs and अप्सरस्, serpents, and पितृs), [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c. man, mankind, [Hcar.] (°ने-न्द्रm. prince, king, [Rājat.] )
ibc. ) the 5 elements, [MBh.]
N. of a demon slain by कृष्ण, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c. (cf. )
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