Dictionaries | References ब बर्ह { barhḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words बर्ह A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बर्ह n. m.n. (also written वर्ह; √ 1.बृह्, ‘to pluck out’) a tail-feather, the tail of a bird (esp. of a peacock), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.केतक-ब्° a leaf (), [Ragh.] ROOTS:केतक ब्°बर्ह n. n. a kind of perfume, [L.] बर्ह The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बर्हः [barhḥ] हम् [ham] हम् [बर्ह्-अच्]A peacock's tail; दवोल्काहत- शेषबर्हाः [R.16.14;] (केशपाशे) सति कुसुमसनाथे कं हरेदेष बर्हः [V.4.1] (v. l.).The tail of a bird.A tail-feather (especially of a peacock); ज्योतिर्लेखावलयि गलितं यस्य बर्हम् [Me.46;] [Ku.1.15;] [Śi.8.11.] A leaf; आपाण्डुरं केतकबर्हमन्यः [R.6.17.] A train, retinue. -Comp.-चन्द्रकः, -नेत्रम् the eye in a peacock's tail (Mar. मोरपीस).भारः a peacock's tail.a tuft of peacock's feathers on the handle of a club &c. बर्ह Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बर्ह r. 1st cl. (बर्हते)1. To be pre-eminent or excellent; (also वर्ह, but less usually.2. To speak or tell.3. To kill or hurt.4. To cover.5. To remember.6. To spread.7. To give. (In these senses it is more usually वर्ह.)r. 10th cl. (-बर्हयति) To hurt or kill; also वर्ह .बर्ह mn. (-र्हः-र्हं)1. A peacock's tail.2. A leaf.3. Dependents, retinue.E. बर्ह to spread, &c. aff. अच्; this word and the corresponding forms are more usually derived from वृह् to increase, &c. and are written with the semi-vowel: see वर्ह, वर्हिस्, &c. ROOTS:बर्ह अच्; वृह् वर्ह वर्हिस् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP