Dictionaries | References


   { purandhriḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुरंध्रि  f. f. (perhaps at first identical with prec. and later connected with √ धृ) a wife, woman (esp. a married woman having or able to bear children), [Kālid.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Rājat.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुरंध्रिः [purandhriḥ] ध्री [dhrī]   ध्री f. [पुरं गेहस्थजनं धारयति धृ-खच् ङीप् पृषो˚ वा ह्रस्वः [Tv.] ]
   An elderly married woman, a respectable matron; पुरंध्रीणां चित्तं कुसुमसुकुमारं हि भवति [U.4.12;] [Mu.2.7;] [Ku.6.32;7.2.]
   A woman whose husband and children are living.

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