Dictionaries | References प पतङ्ग { pataṅgḥ, pataṅga } Script: Latin Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पतङ्ग Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | A mountain. there are twenty small mountains around Mahāmeru and Pataṅga is one of them. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पतङ्ग The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | पतङ्गः [pataṅgḥ] [पतन् उत्प्लवन् गच्छति गम्-ड नि˚] A bird; नृपः पतङ्गं समधत्त पाणिना [N.1.124;] [Bv.1.17.] The sun; विकसति हि पतङ्गस्योदये पुण्डरीकम् [U.6.12;] [Mal.1.24;] [Śi. 1.12;] [R.2.15.] A moth, locust, or grass-hopper; पतङ्गवद्वह्निमुखं विविक्षुः [Ku.3.64;4.2;] [Pt 3.126.] A bee. A ball for playing with; योऽसौ त्वया करसरोजहतः पतङ्गः [Bhāg.5.2.14.] Ved. A spark. A devil. quicksilver. N. N. of Kṛiṣṇa A horse. A species of rice. ङ्गम् quicksilver. A kind of sandal wood. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पतङ्ग Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | पतङ्ग mf. (-ङ्गः-ङ्गी) 1. A grasshopper. 2. A bird. 3. A sort of rice. 4. The sun. n. (-ङ्गं) 1. quicksilver. 2. A kind of sandal. E. पत् falling, गम् to proceed, aff.; खच्; or पत् to fall, अङ्गच् Unādi aff. also पतङ्गम . ROOTS:पत् गम् खच्; पत् अङ्गच् पतङ्गम . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP