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   { turya }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
तुर्य  mfn. amfn. ([Pāṇ. 5-2, 51] , Vārtt. 1) 4th, [BhP.] ; [Vet.] ; [Śrut.]
   forming a 4th part, [BhP.]
तुर्य  n. n. the 4th state of soul (see °रीय), vii, 9, 32; iv, 45">[Haṭhapr. iv, 45] ; ii, 4, 15 Sch.">[RāmatUp. ii, 4, 15] Sch.
तुर्य  mfn. mfn. being in that state of soul, vi f.">[BhP. vi f.]
तुर्य   b°या॑ see col.1.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
तुर्य [turya] a.  a. fourth; [N.4.123.]
   र्यम् A quarter, a fourth part.
   (In Vedānta phil.) The fourth state of the soul in which it becomes one with brahman.-Comp.
-यन्त्रम्   a quadrant.

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