Dictionaries | References


   { gaṇḍikā }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण्डिका  f. af. a hill [Sch.] vi, 230 and 282">[MBh. vi, 230 and 282]
षण्ड-विशेष   = , भगवती, xvi, 4 Sch.
   a little knot in the wood (?), vi, 18, 77">[Car. vi, 18, 77]
   anything advanced beyond the first stage or commencement, [L.]
गण्डिका  f. bf. of °डकq.v.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण्डिका [gaṇḍikā]   1 A sort of pebble.
   A kind of beverage.
   anything advanced beyond the first stage.

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