Dictionaries | References


   { gañjḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गञ्ज  m. 1.m. disrespect, [L.]
गञ्ज  mn. 2.mn. = گنج a treasury, jewel room, place where plate &c. is preserved, iv f., vii">[Rājat. iv f., vii] ; xliii, 30">[Kathās. xliii, 30] ; [lxxv, 30]
गञ्ज  mf. mf. a mine, [L.]
गञ्ज  m. m. a cow-house or station of cowherds, [L.]
   a mart, place where grain &c. is stored for sale, [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गञ्जः [gañjḥ]   1 A mine.
   A treasury; निर्मूषके राजगञ्जे [Ks.43.3.]
   A cow-house.
   A mart, a place where grain is stored for sale.
   disrespect, contempt.
   ञ्जा A hut, hovel.
   A tavern.
   A drinking vessel.
   A mine, jewel mine.
   जम् A mine.
   A treasury. -Comp.
-वरः   a treasurer (from persian) EI IX.247, RT vii.42.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गञ्ज  mfn.  subst. (-ञ्जः-ञ्जा-ञ्जं) A mine, a jewel mine
  mn.  (-ञ्जः-ञ्जं)
   1. A cow- house or station of cowherds.
   2. A treasury, a jewel room, the place where plate, &c. is preserved.
   3. A mart, a place where grain, &c. is stored for sale.
  m.  (-ञ्जः) disrespect, contempt.
  f.  (ञ्जा) 1. A tavern.
   2. A drinking vessel.
   3. A hut, a hovel, the abode of low people.
   4. The Gunja or Ratti, (Abrus precatorious:) see गुञ्जा.
   E. गजि to sound, अच् affix; fem. affix टाप्.
गजि अच् टाप्

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