क्षपण m. 1.m. ‘fasting’, a religious mendicant,
जैन (or
Buddhist) mendicant,
[L.] N. of a
[Kāraṇḍ.] क्षपण m. m. pl. N. of a
Buddhist school,
[L.] क्षपण n. n. abstinence, chastisement of the body [‘pause, interruption (of study), defilement, impurity’
Comm. ;
cf. 2.]
[PārGṛ.] ;
[Gaut.] ;
[Mn. iv, 222; v, 71] ;
[MBh. xiii, 5145.] क्षपण mfn. 2.mfn.ifc. (
cf. अक्ष-क्ष्°) one who destroys, destructive,
[BhP.] क्षपण m. m.N. of
शिवक्षपण n. n. destroying, diminishing, suppressing, expelling,
[MBh.] ;
[Suśr.] ;
[BhP.] क्षपण ‘passing (as time), waiting, pause’ = 1
q.v. क्षपण a See √ 1. and √