Dictionaries | References


   { auśīram }
Script: Devanagari


औशीरम् [auśīram]   [उशीरं-अण्]
The handle of a fan or Chowri.
A bed; औशीरे कामचारः कृतोऽभूत् [Dk.72] at liberty to sleep or sit.
A seat (chair, stool &c.).
An unguent made of Uśīra; अचन्दनमनौशीरं हृदयस्यानु- लेपनम् [Mk.1.23.]
The root of the fragrant grass उशीर q. v.
A fan. -a. made from उशीर; छत्रं वेष्टन- मौशीरम् [Mb.12.6.32.]

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