Coincidence, chance, casualty. 2 Used as a Coincidental, casual, fortuitous. काकतालीयन्याय The law of the crow and the Palmyra-fruit. Said when any occurrence synchronizing with, or immediately following, some other seems, however in truth independent of it, to have been occasioned by it;--as a fruit of the Palmyra falling at the alighting upon it of a crow, may appear to fall in consequence.
काक—तालीय mfn. mfn. after the manner of the crow and the palm-fruit (as in the fable of the fruit of the palm falling unexpectedly at the moment of the alighting of a crow and killing it), unexpected, accidental, [R. iii, 45, 17]
Comm. on [Pāṇ. 5-3, 106] (cf. [Pat.] and, [Kaiy.] )
काकतालीय mfn. (
-यः-या-यं) Accidental, unexpected, opportune.
काक—तालीय n. n. the fable of the crow and the palm-fruit
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