Dictionaries | References उ उद्गै { udgai } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words उद्गै A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 उद्-√ गै P.-गायति (-गाति, [ŚāṅkhBr. xvii, 7] ) to begin to sing; to sing or chant (applied especially to the singing or chanting of the सामवेदcf.उद्-गातृ॑), [RV. x, 67, 3] ; [AV. ix, 6, 45-48.] ; [AitBr.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [TS.] ; [Lāṭy.] &c. ; to sing out loud, [Śiś. vi, 20] ; to announce or celebrate in song, sing before any one (with acc.); to fill with song, [ŚvetUp.] ; [MBh.] ; [Ragh. &c.] ROOTS:उद् √ गै उद्गै The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 उद्गै [udgai] 1 [P.] To sing in a loud tone, sing aloud; उद्गास्यतामिच्छति किन्नराणाम् [Ku.1.8;] गेयमुद्गातुकामा [Me.88;] to sing (in general); उद्गीयमानं वनदेवताभिः [R.2.12;] निभृताक्षरमुज्जगे [Śi.6.2.] To begin to sing; त्वं न उद्गायेति तथेति तेभ्योवागुदगायत् [Bṛi. Up.1.3.2.] To sing or chant (applied to the singing of Sāmaveda); साम सामविदसङ्गमुज्जगौ [Śi.14.21;] cf. उद्गातृ.To announce, to celebrate in song.To sing before one (with acc.).To fill or make resonant with song. उद्गै संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 See : गै Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP