आप्य mfn. 1.mfn. to be reached, obtainable, [ŚBr.] (also) friendly, kind, [RV. iii, 2, 6] . आप्य n. n. confederation, alliance, relationship, friendship, [RV. ii, 29, 3, &c.] a friend, [RV. vii, 15, 1] आप्य (for 2. See p. 144, col. 1.) आप्य mfn. 2.mfn. (fr. 2.अप्), belonging or relating to water, watery, liquid, [Suśr.] consisting of water living in water आप्य m. m.N. of several asterisms, [VarBṛ.] N. of a वसु आप्य m. m. pl. N. of a class of deities, [BhP.] ; [Hariv.] आप्य n. n.N. of a constellation आप्य (for 1. See under √ आप्.) आप्य n. 3.n.N. of a plant, a kind of Costus, [L.] (cf. वाप्य.)