सम्-आहित mfn. amfn. put or held together, joined, assembled, combined, united (pl. ‘all taken together’), [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] &c. joined or furnished or provided with (instr. or comp. ), ib. put to, added (as fuel to fire), [AV.] put or placed in or upon, directed, applied, fixed, imposed, deposited, entrusted, delivered over, ib. &c. &c. composed, collected, concentrated (as the thoughts upon, with loc. ) one who has collected his thoughts or is fixed in abstract meditation, quite devoted to or intent upon (with loc. ), devout, steadfast, firm, [Up.] ; [MBh.] &c. put in order, set right, adjusted, [R.] suppressed, repressed, lowered (as speech), [L.] made, rendered, [Hariv.] completed, finished, ended, [MBh.] concluded, inferred, demonstrated, established, [L.] granted, admitted, recognised, approved, [Āpast.] ; [Hariv.] corresponding or equal to, like, resembling (comp. ), [R.] ; [Hariv.] harmonious, sounding faultlessly, [L.] सम्-आहित m. m. a pure or holy man, [MW.] सम्-आहित n. n. great attention or intentness, [MW.] (in rhet. ) a partic. kind of comparison, [Vām. iv, 3, 29] सम्-आहित b See p. 1160, col. 1.