सं-सर्ग aसं-सर्जन &c. See सं-√ सृज्, col. 3. सं-सर्ग mfn. bmfn. commingling, combining (intr.), KātyŚr. सं-सर्ग f. m. (ifc. f(आ). ) mixture or union together, commixture, blending, conjunction, connection, contact, association, society, sexual union, intercourse with (gen. instr. with and without सहloc. , or comp. ), [ŚrS.] ; [Prāt.] ; [MBh.] &c. सं-सर्ग m. m. confusion, [MānGṛ.] ; [Hariv.] indulging in, partaking of (comp. ), [R.] ; [Daś.] ; [BhP.] sensual attachment, [Mn. vi, 72] a partic. conjunction of celestial bodies, [AV.Pariś.] सं-निपात a partic. combination of two humours which produces diseases (cf. ), [Suśr.] community of goods, [Dāyabh.] duration, [MBh. iii, 11, 238] point of intersection, [Śulbas.] acquaintance, familiarity, [W.] समवाय co-existence (= ), ib.