वत्स m. m. (prob. originally, ‘yearling’, fr. a lost word वतस्) a calf, the young of any animal, offspring, child (voc. वत्स often used as a term of endearment = my dear child, my darling), [RV.] &c. &c. बाल-व्° a son, boy (See ) त्रि-व्° a year (See ) N. of a descendant of कण्व, [RV.] ; [PañcavBr.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] of an आग्नेय (author of [RV. x, 187] ), [Anukr.] of a काश्यप, [Kathās.] of the step-brother of मैत्रेय (who passed through fire to prove the falseness of मैत्रेय's allegation that he was the child of a शूद्र), [Mn. viii, 116] (Sch. ) of a son of प्रतर्दन, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] of a son of सेन-जित्, [Hariv.] of a son of अक्ष-माला, [Cat.] of a son of उरु-क्षेप, [VP.] of a son of सोम-शर्मन्, [Kathās.] of the author of a law-book, [Cat.] चरकाध्वर्यु-सूत्र-कृत् (with ) of another author, ib.
ROOTS: चरकाध्वर्यु सूत्र कृत् of a serpent-demon, [VP.] N. of a country (whose chief town is कौशाम्बी), [Kathās.] Nerium Aistidysentericum, [L.] the Kutaja tree, [L.] pl. the descendants of वत्स, [ĀśvŚr.] (cf. [Pāṇ. 2-4, 64] Sch. ) the inhabitants of the country called वत्स, [MBh.] ; [Kathās.] वत्स mn. mn. the breast, chest, [L.] वत्स [cf. vatsara and ἔτος for ϝέτος; Lat. vetus, vetus-tus, vitulus; Germ. widar, Widder; Eng. wether.]