दध्य्च् m. am. (nom. -अ॑ङ्acc. -अ॑ञ्चम्; dat. °धीचे॑gen. °धीच॑स्; cf. [Pāṇ. 6-1, 170] ) ‘sprinkling द॑धि’ (cf. °धि-क्रा॑ and घृता॑-ची) N. of a mythical ऋषि or sacrificer (80, 16">[RV. i, 80, 16] and [called अङ्गिरस्] 139, 9 [आङ्गिरस] xii, 8">[TāṇḍyaBr. xii, 8] ; son of अथर्वन् [cf. आथर्वण॑] vi, 16, 14">[RV. vi, 16, 14] ; iv, 1, 42">[BhP. iv, 1, 42] ; having the head of a horse and teaching the अश्विन्s to find in त्वष्टृ's house the म॑धु or सोम, ix, 108, 4">[RV. i, 116 f. and 119; ix, 108, 4] ; favoured by इन्द्र [48, 2">x, 48, 2] who slays 99 वृत्रs or foes with a thunderbolt made of his bones, 84, 13">i. 84, 13; vi, 11, 20; viii, 20, 7">[BhP. vi, 11, 20; viii, 20, 7] ; propounder of the ब्राह्मण called म॑धु, iv, xiv">[ŚBr. iv, xiv] ; vi, 9, 50ff.">[BhP. vi, 9, 50ff.] ) दध्य्-अच् b-अन्न, &c. see above.