तन्त्र n. an. ([Pāṇ. 7-2, 9] ; [Kāś.] ) a loom, v, 2, 70 the warp, [RV. x, 71, 9] ; [AV. x, 7, 42] ; [TBr. ii] ; [TāṇḍyaBr. x, 5] ; [ŚBr. xiv] ; [Kauś.] ; [MBh. i, 806 and 809] कुलस्य त्° the leading or principal or essential part, main point, characteristic feature, model, type, system, framework, [ŚBr. xii] ; [TāṇḍyaBr. xxiii, 19, 1] ; [Lāṭy.] ; KātyŚr. &c. (e.g. , ‘the principal action in keeping up a family i.e. propagation’ [MBh. xiii, 48, 6] ; ifc. ‘depending on’ cf. आत्म-, स्व-, पर-, &c.) षष्टि doctrine, rule, theory, scientific work, chapter of such a work (esp. the 1st section of a treatise on astron. [VarBṛS. i, 9] ; पराशर's work on astron. , ii, 3; vii, 8), [MBh.] &c. (cf. - &c.) a class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between शिव and दुर्गा and said to treat of 5 subjects, 1. the creation, 2. the destruction of the world, 3. the worship of the gods, 4. the attainment of all objects, esp. of 6 superhuman faculties, 5. the 4 modes of union with the supreme spirit by meditation ; cf. [RTL.] pp. 63, 85, 184, 189, 205ff.), [VarBṛS. xvi, 19] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Daś.] ; [Kathās. xxiii, 63] ; [Sarvad.] a spell, [HYog. i, 5] ; [Vcar.] oath or ordeal, [L.] N. of a सामन् (also called ‘that of विरूप’), [ĀrṣBr.] °त्रिन् an army (cf. ), [BhP. x, 54, 15] ifc. a row, number, series, troop, [Bālar. ii f., vi] राज्य-त्° = , government, [Daś. xiii] ; [Śiś. ii, 88] पर त्° (, ‘the highest authority’), [Subh.] a means which leads to two or more results, contrivance, [Hariv. ii, 1, 31] °त्रावाप a drug (esp. one of specific faculties), chief remedy cf. परिच्छद = , [L.] अन्त = , [L.] wealth, [L.] a house, [L.] happiness, [W.] तन्त्र b &c. See cols. 1, 2.