मराठी मुख्य सूची|स्तोत्रे|गुरु स्तोत्रे|

गुरु स्तोत्रे - प्रस्तावना

गुरु म्हणजे शिक्षक ज्ञान देणारा. खरे तर आई हीच पहिली गुरु होय.

A Guru is a teacher in Hinduism

गुरु म्हणजे शिक्षक ज्ञान देणारा. देवांचे गुरु बृहस्पती आहेत. तिन्ही लोकांचे आद्य गुरु श्री दत्तात्रेय समजतात. गुरुविना ज्ञान व्यर्थ आहे.  आकाशातील ग्रहांपैकी एकाचे नाव गुरु आहे. तो आकारानेही मोठा आहे.खरे तर आई हिच पहिली गुरु होय. 

A Guru is a teacher in Hinduism, as well as in many new religious movements. Based on a long traditional line of philosophical understanding as to the importance of knowledge, the guru is seen in these religions as a sacred conduit, or a way to self-realization. The importance of finding a true guru is described in the scriptures and teachings of religions in which a guru plays a role.

"Guru" also refers in Sanskrit to Brihaspati, a Hindu figure analogous to the planet/god Jupiter. In Vedic astrology, Guru or Brihaspati is believed to exert teaching influences. Indeed, in many Indian languages such as Hindi, the occidental Thursday is called either Brihaspativaar or Guruvaar (vaar meaning day of the week).

In contemporary India, "guru" is widely used within the general meaning of "teacher". In Western usage, the original meaning of guru has been extended to cover anyone who acquires followers, though not necessarily in an established school of philosophy or religion. In a further metaphorical extension, guru is used to refer to a person who has authority because of his or her perceived knowledge or skills in a domain of expertise.Mother is first guru of life.

Last Updated : January 16, 2012

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