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   { śikhaṇḍin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
शिखण्डिन्  mfn. mfn. wearing a tuft or lock of hair, tufted, crested (applied to various gods), [AV.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.]
शिखण्डिन्  m. m. a peacock, [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] ; [Kathās.]
a peacock's tail, [L.]
a cock, [L.]
an arrow, [L.]
one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation, [Hcat.]
N. of विष्णु-कृष्ण, [MBh.]
चित्र-श्°   of a ऋषि or मुनि (one of the seven stars of the Great Bear; cf.), [W.]
चित्र श्°
शिखण्डिनी   of a son of द्रुपद (born as a female [see ], but changed into a male by a यक्ष; in the great war between कौरवs and पाण्डवs he became instrumental in the killing of भीष्म who declined to fight with a woman, but he was afterwards killed himself by अश्वत्थामन्; in the [ŚāṅkhBr.] he has the patr.याज्ञसेन), [MBh.]
of a Brāhman, [Lalit.]
of a mountain, [Cat.]


शिखण्डिन् [śikhaṇḍin] a.  a. [शिखण्डोऽस्त्यस्य इनि] Crested, tufted. -m. A peacock; नदति स एष वधूसखः शिखण्डी [U.3.18;] [R.1.39;] [Ku.1.15.]
A cock.
An arrow.
A peacock's tail.
A kind of jasmine.
 N. N. of Viṣṇu.
 N. N. of a son of Drupada; शिखण्डी च महारथः [Bg.1.17.] [Śikhaṇḍin was originally a female, being Ambā born in the family of Drupada for wreaking her revenge upon Bhīṣma; (see Ambā). But from her very birth the girl was given out as a male child and brought up as such. In due course she was married to the daughter of Hiraṇyavarman, who was extremely sorry to find that she had got a veritable woman for her husband. Her father, therefore, resolved to attack the kingdom of Drupada for his having deceived him; but Śikhaṇḍin contrived, by practising austere penance in a forest, to exchange her sex with a Yakṣa and thus averted the calamity which threatened Drupada. Afterwards in the great Bhāratī war he proved a means of killing Bhīṣma, who declined to fight with a woman, when Arjuna put him forward as his hero. He was afterwards killed by Aśvatthāman.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
शिखण्डिन्  m.  (-ण्डी)
1. A peacock.
2. A peacock's tail.
3. A cock.
4. An arrow.
5. A Rishi, either of the seven represented by the stars of the greater bear: see चित्रशिखण्डिन् .
6. The son of DRUPADA, by metamor- phosis: see below.
 f.  (-नी)
1. A kind of jasmine, (J. auriculatum.)
2. A shrub, (Abrus precatorius.)
3. The daughter of DRUPADA, after- wards changed to a male.
4. A peahen.
E. शिखण्ड a crest, इनि poss. aff.
शिखण्ड इनि


See : रक्तिका

Related Words

शिखण्डिन्   सशिखण्डिन्   शैखण्डि   स्यावास्य   यतीश्वर   अप्सरापति   शैखण्ड   शैखण्डिन   हिरण्यवर्मन्   याज्ञसेन   स्थूणाकर्ण   चित्रशिखण्डिन्   शिखण्डिनी   बाह्रीक   अप्सरस्   भूरिश्रवस्   द्रुपद   હિલાલ્ શુક્લ પક્ષની શરુના ત્રણ-ચાર દિવસનો મુખ્યત   ନବୀକରଣଯୋଗ୍ୟ ନୂଆ ବା   વાહિની લોકોનો એ સમૂહ જેની પાસે પ્રભાવી કાર્યો કરવાની શક્તિ કે   સર્જરી એ શાસ્ત્ર જેમાં શરીરના   ન્યાસલેખ તે પાત્ર કે કાગળ જેમાં કોઇ વસ્તુને   બખૂબી સારી રીતે:"તેણે પોતાની જવાબદારી   ਆੜਤੀ ਅਪੂਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਨ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲਾ   బొప్పాయిచెట్టు. అది ఒక   लोरसोर जायै जाय फेंजानाय नङा एबा जाय गंग्लायथाव नङा:"सिकन्दरनि खाथियाव पोरसा गोरा जायो   आनाव सोरनिबा बिजिरनायाव बिनि बिमानि फिसाजो एबा मादै   भाजप भाजपाची मजुरी:"पसरकार रोटयांची भाजणी म्हूण धा रुपया मागता   नागरिकता कुनै स्थान   ३।। कोटी      ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔   ۔گوڑ سنکرمن      0      00   ૦૦   ୦୦   000   ০০০   ૦૦૦   ୦୦୦   00000   ০০০০০   0000000   00000000000   00000000000000000   000 பில்லியன்   000 மனித ஆண்டுகள்   1                  1/16 ರೂಪಾಯಿ   1/20   1/3   ૧।।   10   १०   ১০   ੧੦   ૧૦   ୧୦   ൧൦   100   ۱٠٠   १००   ১০০   ੧੦੦   ૧૦૦   ୧୦୦   1000   १०००   ১০০০   ੧੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦   10000   १००००   ১০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦୦   100000   ۱٠٠٠٠٠   १०००००   ১০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦૦   1000000   १००००००   ১০০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦୦୦୦   10000000   १०००००००   
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