रभस mfn. mf(आ)n. (fr. prec. ) impetuous, violent, rapid, fierce, wild, [RV.] &c. &c. (ifc. ) eager for, desirous of [Kālid.] strong, powerful (said of the सोम), [RV.] shining, glaring, ib. रभस n. m. impetuosity, vehemence, hurry, haste, speed, zeal, passion, eager desire for (comp. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (also f(आ). , [L.] ; रभसibc. ; °आत्ind. and °एनind. violently, impetuously, eagerly, quickly) रभस m. m. joy, pleasure, [Gīt.] regret, sorrow, [W.] poison, [L.] N. of a magical incantation recited over weapons, [R.] रश्मिस of a दानव (v.l. ) of a king (son of रम्भ), [BhP.] of a राक्षस, [L.] रभस-पाल of a lexicographer (also called ), [Cat.] of a monkey, [R.]