प्राय m. m. (fr. प्र + अय; √ 5.इ) going forth, starting (for a battle), [RV. ii, 18, 8] course, race, [AV. iv, 25, 2] आस् departure from life, seeking death by fasting (as a religious or penitentiary act, or to enforce compliance with a demand; acc. with √ , उप-√ आस्, उप-√ विश्, उप-√ इ, आ-√ स्था, सम्-आ-√ स्था, or √ कृ, to renounce life, sit down and fast to death; with Caus. of √ कृ, to force any one [acc.] to seek death through starvation), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. आर्य f. anything prominent, chief part, largest portion, plenty, majority, general rule (often ifc. , with f(आ). = chiefly consisting of or destined for or furnished with, rich or abounding in, frequently practising or applying or using; near, like, resembling; mostly, well-nigh, almost, as it were; cf. -, जित-, ज्ञाति-, तृण-, दण्ड-, दुःख-, सिद्धि-प्र्° &c.; also -ताf.), [ŚBr.] ; [Lāṭy.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. a stage of life, age, [L.]