Dictionaries | References


   { niṣēkḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नि-°षेक  m. m. sprinkling, infusion, aspersion, dripping, distilling, [Kāv.]
नि °षेक
   seminal infusion, impregnation and the ceremony connected with it, [Mn.] ; [Var.] ; [Suśr.]
   water for washing, dirty water, wash (impurities caused by seminal effusion ?), iv, 151">[Mn. iv, 151]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निषेकः [niṣēkḥ]   1 Sprinking, infusion; सुखसलिलनिषेकः [Ṛs.1.28.]
   dripping, trickling, distilling; तैलनिषेकबिन्दुना [R.8.38,] 'a drop of dripping oil.'
   effusion, discharge,
   seminal effusion or discharge, infusion of semen, impregnation, seed; योषित्सु तद्वीर्यनिषेकभूमिः (सैव) [Ku.3.16;] प्रजानिषेकं मयि वर्तमानम् [R.14.6.]
   The ceremony performed upon impregnation; निषेकादिश्मशानान्तो मन्त्रैर्यस्यो- दितो विधिः । तस्य शास्त्रेऽधिकारोऽस्मिन् ज्ञेयो नान्यस्य कस्यचित् ॥ [Ms.2.16;] [Bhāg.7.15.52.]
   water for washing.
   seminal impurity; [Ms.4.151.]
   dirty water.
   drawing essence by distillation.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निषेक  m.  (-कः)
   1. The ceremony performed upon impregnation taking place.
   2. sprinkling, aspersion.
   3. effusion.
   4. seminal infusion. 5. irrigation.
   6. dirty water.
   E. नि, and सिच् to sprinkle, aff. भावे घञ् .
नि सिच् भावे घञ् .

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