जन्य mfn. 1.mfn. (√ जन्, [Pāṇ. 3-4, 68; 3-1, 97] ; [Pat.] ) born, produced, [Bhāṣāp. 44] ; [BrahmaP.] -ता n. ifc. born or arising or produced from, occasioned by, [Śiś.] ; [Bhāṣāp.] ; [Tarkas.] &c. (f.abstr. [Vedântas.] ; -त्वn.id. , [KapS.] Sch. ) जन्य m. m. a father, [L.] जन्य n. n. the body, [BhP. i, 9, 31] a portent occurring at birth, [L.] जन्य mfn. 2.mfn. (fr. ज॑न) belonging to a race or family or to the same country, national, [RV. ii, 37, 6 and 39, l; x, 91, 2] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr. xv, 13, 3] belonging or relating to the people, [RV. iv, 55, 5; ix, 49, 2] ; [TBr. i] ; [TāṇḍyaBr.] ; [ṢaḍvBr.] जन्य m. m. the friend or companion of a bridegroom, [RV. iv, 38, 6] ; [AV. xi, 8, I f.] ; [Gobh. ii, 1, 13] ; [MBh. i, iii] ; [Kathās.] a son-in-law, [Gal.] a common man, [TS. vi, 1, 6, 6] ; [TBr. i, 7, 8, 7] N. of शिव, [MBh. xiii, 1170] जान्य v.l. for q.v. जन्य n. m.n. rumour, report, [Pāṇ. 4-4, 97] जन्य n. n. people, community, nation, [RV. ii;x, 42, 6] ; [AV. xiii, 4, 43] (oxyt.) pl. inimical races or men, [AitBr. viii, 26] fighting, war, [Gaut.] ; [MBh. v, 3195] ; [Ragh. iv, 77] ; [Daś.] a market, [L.] जन्य a°न्यीय, °न्यु. See above.