खे—ऽट m. 1.m. ‘moving in the air’, a planet the ascending node or राहु, [W.] खेट m. 2.m. a village, residence of peasants and farmers, small town (half a पुर, [Hcat.] ), [MBh. iii, 13220] ; [Jain.] ; [BhP.] ; [VP.] : the phlegmatic or watery humor of the body, phlegm, [Car. iv, 4] snot, glanders, [L.] a horse, [L.] the club of बलराम, [L.] खेट mn. mn. hunting, chase (cf. आ-खेट), [L.] a shield, [Hcat. i, 5, 529] ([[MārkP.] ]) and 532 ([[BṛNārP.] ]), ; ii, 1 नगर (ifc. ) expressing defectiveness or deterioration ([Pāṇ. 6-2, 126] ; e.g. -, ‘a miserable town’ ib.; [Kāś.] ; उपानत्-, ‘a miserable shoe’ ib.; [Kāś.] ; मुनि-, ‘a miserable sage’ [Bālar. ii] ) खेट n. n. grass, [L.] खेट mfn. mfn. low, vile, [Bhar. xxxiv, 109] खेट n. n. armed, [W.] खेऽट a See 3.ख॑, p. 334, col. 3.