; constant occurrence, application, or use. 5 A state or an affection of the mind; any particular working or modification of its being; as wrathful emotion, pitiful or tender yearnings, the excitation of lust or cupidity, the commotion or agitation under fear, hope, anxiety &c. Some compounds are उदास -औदार्य -खिन्न -तामस -प्रसन्न -ग्लान -शांत- शोक-संतोष-सौम्य-हर्ष-हास्य-वृत्ति. 6 Dramatic representation or composition, considered to be of four sorts; viz. कौशिकी, भारती, सात्वती, आरभती. 7 Gloss or comment: also explanation or exposition. See टीका. 8 A circle; or the circumference of a circle.
f An affection of the mind. Conduct. A profession.
वृत्ति n. मनु नामक रुद्र की पत्नी [भा. ३.१२.१३] ।
वृत्तिः [vṛttiḥ] f. f. [वृत्-क्तिन्]
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