Dictionaries | References

seller's market

Script: Latin

seller's market

बैंकिंग शब्दांवली  | English  Marathi |   | 
   विक्रता बाजार (आपूर्ति से अधिक मांग)

seller's market

लोकप्रशासन  | English  Marathi |   | 
   (a market in which at the moment demand exceeds supply, the tendency for prices to rise being to the advantage of sellers-opposed to buyers' market) विक्रेता बाजार

seller's market

अर्थशास्त्र | English  Marathi |   | 
   विक्रेता बाजार
   (a market in which at the moment demand exceeds supply, the tendency for prices to rise being to the advantage of sellers - opposed to buyer's market)

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