Dictionaries | References n null Script: Latin Meaning Related Words null व्यवसाय व्यवस्थापन | English Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 न. (of no legal or binding force or validity, void) शून्यशून्यबादल null भौतिकशास्त्र | English Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 रिक्त null न्यायव्यवहार | English Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 न. शून्य पु. निर्भाव null भूगोल | English Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 शून्य- न. (as zero; without action) शून्य null Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary | English Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 Null,a.मोघ, व्यर्थ, निष्फल, विफल, निर्बल, निष्प्रभाव, अनिष्पन्न, लुप्त, वृथा-मुधा in comp. ROOTS:मोघव्यर्थनिष्फलविफलनिर्बलनिष्प्रभावअनिष्पन्नलुप्तवृथामुधा-ify,v. t.मोघी-विफली- कृ 8 U, लुप् 6 P or c., खंड् 10. ROOTS:मोघीविफलीकृलुप्खंड्-ity,s.मोघत, व्यर्थता, वैफल्यं. ROOTS:मोघतव्यर्थतावैफल्यं2अभावः, शून्यता. ROOTS:अभावशून्यता null A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit | English Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 NULL , a.मोघः -घा -घं, व्यर्थः -र्था -र्थं, अनिष्पन्नः -न्ना -न्नं, लुप्तः -प्ता -प्तं,निरर्थकः -का -कं, अनर्थकः -का -कं, निष्फलः -ला -लं, विफलः -ला-लं, निष्प्रभावः -वा -वं, निर्बलः -ला -लं, निर्जीवः -वा -वं, वृथा indec. मुधा indec. ROOTS:मोघघाघंव्यर्थर्थार्थंअनिष्पन्नन्नान्नंलुप्तप्ताप्तंनिरर्थककाकंअनर्थकनिष्फललालंविफलनिष्प्रभाववावंनिर्बलनिर्जीववृथामुधा Related Words null non-null recurrent state null persistent state non-null persistent state declare null and void c null null and void null circle null hypothesis null matrix null method null point null sequence null set null space null valence null vector carbon paper twin t null network non-null hypothesis optical-null system enteroceptor interoceptor concentrated eaves crick warlike wrick serviette rick subsidiary table napkin underling generation hoarder comparison turret paring achievement alinement groom-to-be extremism fiance bucked up microbe encouraged coalition vexation scientific discipline rip off mounted napkin negligent plumbago preferment annoyance accommodate adjudicator alga algae gentleman gentleness germ great grandmother hankering heaven hip infective carbon carrying into action carrying out mag magazine manducate masticate eden kin kindred kin group kinship group lather decorous chew chisel clan comme il faut communication seemly serve shangri-la retailer retail merchant stew swither tardy mildness morbific promised land prosecution pathogenic Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP