f Examination, experiment, trial. Putting to the test or proof. Knowledge, skill. Experimental knowledge, experience.
ना. कसोटी , गुणदोष पाहणे , चाचणी , तपासणी , पारख , शोध .
परीक्षा [parīkṣā] 1 Examination, test, trial; पत्तने विद्यमानेऽपि ग्रामे रत्नपरीक्षा [M.1;] [Ms.9.19.]
Examination, investigation, experiment, trial; putting to the test or proof. 2 Knowledge, skill, ability, as acquired from practice or conversancy. Ex. वैद्याला रोगाची प0 असावी. 3 Experimental knowledge, experience. प0 करणें, प0 घेणें To try or prove. These two phrases, thus agreeing in the general, are yet to be distinguished. The first signifies To try, prove, or determine by examination or experiment; the second To prove by trial upon one's own person, to determine by experience.
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