अहिर्-बुध्न्य m. am. (considered as one word and therefore declinable as follows
dat. अहिर्-बुध्न्याय, [PārGṛ.] ; instr. pl. अहिर्-बुध्न्यैः, [MBh. v, 3899] ; often incorrectly written अहिर्-बुध्न or -ब्रध्न) N. of a रुद्र, [PārGṛ.] ; [MBh.] ; [Hariv.]
AHIRBUDHNYA One of the sons of Viśvakarmā. Five sons and one daughter were born to Viśvakarmā of his wife Surabhī. They were Ajaikapāt, Ahirbudhnya, Tvaṣṭā, Rudra, Barhiṣmatī and Saṁjñā. (See under genealogy of Viśvakarmā).
N. of the रुद्रs, [MBh. v, 3899] (See before)
अहिर्-बुध्न्य n. n.
N. of a hymn of the RV. i, 186, 5 or vi, 50, 14, [KauṣBr.]
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