गो—त्र—भिद् mfn. mfn. opening the cow-pens of the sky (‘splitting the clouds or mountains’ [Sāy.] ; said of इन्द्र and बृहस्पति's vehicle), [RV. ii, 23, 3; vi, 17, 2 and x, 103, 6] ; [VS. xx, 38]
गो—त्र—भिद् m. m. ‘splitting the mountains (with his thunderbolt
cf. अद्रि-भि॑द्)’, इन्द्र, [Ragh.] ; [Kum. ii, 52]
‘इन्द्र’ and ‘destroyer of families’ [Rājat. i, 92]
‘इन्द्र’ and ‘destroyer of names’ [Śiś. ix, 80]
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