A brahmin of very bad manners. This brahmin was killed by his own wife who was a prostitute. In their next birth Piṅgala became a vulture and the prostitute, a parrot. Both had memories of their previous birth and the vulture (Piṅgala) with vengeance killed the parrot. After that Piṅgala was eaten one day by a tiger A brahmin residing on the shores of Gaṅgā read to their souls the fifth chapter of Gītā and they got salvation and entered Pitṛloka (world of the Manes). [Chapter 40, Sṛṣṭi Khaṇḍa, Padma Purāṇa] .
पिङ्गल mfn. mf(
आ॑ and ई)n. (cf. g. गौरा-दि and कडारा-दि), reddish-brown, tawny, yellow, gold-coloured, [AV.] &c. &c.,
alg. also as N. of the 10th unknown quantity)
r° -b° eyes, KātyŚr. Sch.
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