Dictionaries | References ह हं Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 हं A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | haṃ An interjection indicating attention, intelligence, assent, approbation &c. it is the same with the more common form हां, under which see some examples. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 हं Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | An interj. indicating attention, assent. Related Words हं हं हं स्त्रीगृह वाक्वलह मृतगृह पुच्छजाह invulnerable disembodied all-bearing काललौह resistless humiliating panoplied गुहागृह रक्तसरोरुह रक्षागृह प्रतिपक्षग्रह प्रसवगृह ticklish unenvious boarish many-streamed insupportable lethiferous cocksure concorporal apathetic निष्प्रत्यूह precipitous burdensome insufferable forelock कपिलोह क्षपाह खरगृह खरगेह कृष्णलोह गोसगृह वारिरुह वीतस्पृह शून्यगेह लोभविरह वस्त्रगृह असिताम्बुरुह single-bodied अन्तर्गृह अभ्ररोह repressed facilitated ho incarcerated beatific जातस्पृह दुर्निग्रह दर्पह चन्द्रलौह तिलस्नेह रविलोह भिन्नदेह भीमविग्रह महालोह मदिरागृह द्व्यहतर्षम् नामग्रह नीललोह पङ्केरुक्ष पादजाह पुण्यगृह stanched lion-like dialectical dwelling house insuppressible intolerable mortiferous cloud-capt सारलोह सुदुस्मह सुनिग्रह सूतीगृह स्मरगृह स्रोतोवह hardy काणि खदखदां borne long-suffering disinclined dispirited insurmountable सूतिकागृह grouped उपरतस्पृह कर्णजाह क्षिप्तदेह अकालसह अङ्गरुह वातासह विगतस्पृह विष्णुगृह Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP