सांपराय [sāmparāya] a. a. (-यी f.)
Relating to war, warlike.
Relating to the other world, future.
यः, यम् Conflict, contention.
Future life, the future; योगिनां सांपराय- विधिमनुशिक्षयन्
[Bhāg.5.6.6.] The means of attaining the future world.
Inquiry into the future; यस्य प्रमाणं मृगवः सांपराये
[Bhāg.8.19.2.] Inquiry, investigation.
A helper;
[Mb.1.3.58.] Need, distress, calamity; उक्तपूर्वं कुतो राजन् सांपराये स वक्ष्यति