सर्व्वतोभद्र mfn. (
-द्रः-द्रा-द्रं) Every where auspicious.
mn. (
-द्रः-द्रं) A temple or palace of a square form, with an entrance opposed to each point of the compass.
m. (
1. The Nimba-tree, (Melia azidarachta.)
2. The carriage of VISHṆU.
3. A bamboo.
4. A form of military array.
5. A square mystical diagram, to be painted on the cloth which on particular occasions covers a sort of altar erected to VISHṆU.
6. A kind of charade, in which the same word answers several questions.
7. A whimsical form of verse, so con- trived that the sams meanings and words occur, whether the line be read back-wards or forwards, or in several other directions. f. (
1. A tree, (Gmelina arborea.)
2. An actress or the wife of an actor or dancer, &c.
3. A sort of yam, (Dioscorea.)
E. सर्व्वतस् on every side,
भद्र auspicious.