सद्मन् m. am. a sitter, assessor, spectator, [R.] सद्मन् n. n. a seat, abode, dwelling, house, place (esp. of sacrifice), temple, [RV.] &c. &c. a stand, stable, [RV. v, 11, 5; 67, 7] (?) an astrological house, [Cat.] water, [Naigh. i, 12] सं-ग्राम war, battle (= ), ib.ii, 17 (du. ) heaven and earth, ib. iii, 30 सद्मन् mfn. mfn. dwelling in, inhabiting (ifc. ), [L.] सद्मन् b &c. See p. 1139, col. 1.