n Knowledge of ब्रम्ह as the cause and the essence of the universe. Divine knowledge.
Knowledge of ब्रह्म as the cause and the essence of the universe,--as, according to the Vedánt system, the substantive basis of all bodies and beings physical, spiritual, and divine. See under ब्रह्म. Applied freely in the general sense of Divine, spiritual, sacred, or holy knowledge. Pr. लोकास सांगे ब्र0 आपण कोरडा पाषाण.
ब्रह्म—ज्ञान n. n. divine or sacred knowledge (
esp. kn° of the universal permeation of the one Spirit as taught by the वेदान्त), spiritual wisdom, [Hariv.] ; [Bhartṛ.]
ब्रह्मज्ञान n. (
-नं) Spiritual wisdom.
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