षट्कर्म्मन् m. (-र्म्मा) 1. A Brāhman. 2. An adept, (in the Tantras, &c.) n. (-र्म्म or pl. -र्म्माणि) 1. The six acts proper for a Brāhman, (collective- ly,) or teaching the Vedas, holy study, offering sacrifices, conduct- ing them for others, giving, and accepting gifts. 2. Six acts allow- able to a Brāhman for subsistence, or gleaning, accepting gifts, ask- ing alms, agriculture, trade, and tending cattle, or according to some lending money at interest. 3. The six acts taught in the Tantras, or killing, infatuating, enthralling, expelling, exciting animosity, and the stopping or privation of any faculty. E. षष् six, कर्म्मन् act or duty.