शाखा f. af. See next. शाखा f. bf. (ifc. f(आ or ई). ) a branch (lit. and fig. ), [RV.] &c. &c. a limb of the body, arm or leg, [Suśr.] a finger, [Naigh. ii, 5] the surface of the body, [Car.] द्वार-श्° a door-post, [VarBṛS.] (cf. ) the wing of a building, [MārkP.] a division, subdivision, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] °खा-स्कन्ध m. the third part of an astrological संहिता (also , m.), [VarBṛS.] चरण a branch or school of the वेद (each school adhering to its own traditional text and interpretation; in the चरण-व्यूह, a work by शौनक treating of these various schools, five शाखाs are enumerated of the ऋग्-वेद, viz. those of the शाकलs, बाष्कलs, आश्वलायनs, शाङ्खायनs, and माण्डुकायनs; forty-two or forty-four out of eighty-six of the यजुर्-वेद, fifteen of which belong to the वाजसनेयिन्s, including those of the काण्वs and माध्यंदिनs; twelve out of a thousand said to have once existed of the साम-वेद and nine of the अथर्व-वेद; of all these, however, the ऋग्-वेद is said to be now extant in one only, viz. the शाकल-शाखा, the यजुर्-वेद in five and partially in six, the साम-वेद in one or perhaps two, and the अथर्व-वेद in one: although the words and शाखा are sometimes used synonymously, yet properly applies to the sect or collection of persons united in one school, and शाखा to the traditional text followed, as in the phrase शाखाम् अधीते, he recites a particular version of the वेद), [Prāt.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. a branch of any science, [Car.] a year, [Śrīkaṇṭh.] पक्षान्तर = , [L.]