Dictionaries | References


   { व्यतिकॄ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वॄ   (xxxi, 16; 20">[Dhātup. xxxi, 16; 20] ). see2.वृ.
व्य्-अति-√ कॄ   pass.-कीर्यते, to be mixed or blended together, [Śaṃk.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   वॄ [v]ॄ, 9 U. (वृणाति, वृणीते, वूर्ण; pass. वूर्यते; desid. वुवूर्षति-ते or विवरिषति-ते or विवरीषति-ते) To choose, select; (see वृ I.)
   व्यतिकॄ [vyatik]ॄ, 6 P. To mix, blend, scatter (usually in pass.).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वॄ   r. 9th cl. (वृणाति)
   1. To choose.
   2. To support or nourish, (in this sense it is more usually written with the labial initial.) (ञ) वृञ् r. 9th cl. (वृणाति, वृणीते)
   1. To choose, to elect or select.
   2. To cover, to screen.

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