Dictionaries | References


   { vāruṇḍḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वारुण्ड  mn. mn. the excretion of the eyes and the ears, [L.]
   a vessel for baling water out of a boat, [L.]
वारुण्ड  m. m. = गणिस्थ-राज, or फणिनां राजकः, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वारुण्डः [vāruṇḍḥ]   The chief of the serpent-race.
   ण्डः, ण्डम् The rheum or excretion of the eyes.
   The ear-wax.
   A vessel for baling water out of a boat.
   A bucket for watering trees; L. D. B.
-ण्डी   A door-step.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वारुण्ड  m.  (-ण्डः) The chief of the serpent race.
  mn.  (-ण्डः-ण्डं)
   1. The rheum of the eyes.
   2. The wax of the ear.
   3. A vessel for baling water out of a boat.
   E. वॄ to screen, aff. उण्ड .
वॄ उण्ड .

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