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   { vaprḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
वप्र  mn. mn. a rampart, earthwork, mound, hillock, mud wall, earth or bank raised as a wall or buttress or as the foundation of a building, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
नदी-व्°   a high river-bank (also ), any shore or bank, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Kir.]
नदी व्°
the slope or declivity of a hill, table-land on a mountain, [Kir.] ; [Śiś.]
a ditch, [VarBṛS.]
the gate of a fortified city, [W.]
the circumference of a sphere or globe, [Gol.]
a sown field, any field, [Dharmaś.]
dust, [L.]
निष्कुट  n. = , वनजn.वाजिका (?) and पाटीर, [L.]
-क्रिया   the butting of an elephant or of a bull (See and -क्रीडा)
वप्र  m. m. a father, [L.] (cf.2.वप्त्रि)
प्रजा-पति   = , [L.]
प्रजा पति
N. of a व्यास, [VP.]
of a son of the 14th मनु, [Hariv.]
वप्र  n. n. lead, [L.] (cf.वर्ध्र).


वप्रः [vaprḥ] प्रम् [pram]   प्रम् [उप्यते अत्र वप्-रन् [Un.2.27] ]
A rampart, earth-work, mud-wall; वेलावप्रवलयाम् (उर्वीम्) [R.1.3;] द्वितीयामिव मामत्र वप्रमालम्ब्य तिष्ठत Śiva.B.
A bank or mound of any kind (against which bulls and elephants butt); शृङ्गाग्रलग्नाम्बुदवप्रपङ्कः [R.13.47;] see वप्रक्रीडा below.
The slope or declivity of a hill or rocky place; बृहच्छिलावप्रघनेन वक्षसा [Ki.14.4.]
A summit, peak, table-land on a mountain; तीव्रं महाव्रतमिवात्र चरन्ति वप्राः [Śi.4.58;3.37;] [Ki.5.36;6.8.]
The bank of a river, side, shore, bank in general; ध्वनयः प्रतेनुरनुवप्रमपाम् [Ki.6.] 4;7.11;17.58.
The foundation of a building.
The gate of a fortified town.
A ditch.
The circumference of a sphere.
A field in general; विकासि वप्राम्भसि गन्धसूचितम् [Ki.4.26.]
The butting of an elephant or bull.
A multitude, a heap; L. D .B.
प्रः A father.
A Prajāpati.
प्रम् Lead.
Gold; L. D. B.
प्रा A flat bank of earth.
Garden-bed. -Comp.
-अभिघातः   butting against the bank or side (as of a hill, river &c.); वप्राभिघातपरि- मण्डलितोरुदेहः [Ki.5.42;] cf. तटाघात.
-अवनी   cultivated land.
-क्रिया, -क्रीडा   the palyful butting of an elephant (or bull) against a bank or mound; वप्रक्रियामृक्षवतस्तटेषु [R.5.44;] वप्रक्रीडापरिणतगजप्रेक्षणीयं ददर्श [Me.2.]
-क्षेत्रफलम्   the circumference of a sphere.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
वप्र  mn.  (-प्रः-प्रं)
1. A field.
2. A rampart, a mud-wall, earth taken from the ditch of a town and raised as a wall or buttress, or as the foundation of a wall of masonry, &c.
3. The foundation of any building.
4. The gate of a fortified city.
5. A shore or bank. 6. Dust, earth.
7. A mound, a hillock.
8. The slope of a hill.
9. A summit, a peak.
10. A ditch.
11. A field.
12. The butting of an elephant or bull.
 m.  (-प्रः) A father.
 n.  (-प्रं) Lead.
 f.  (-प्री) A hillock, an ant-hill.
E. वप् to sow, रन् Unādi aff.
वप् रन्

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