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   { luṭ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
लुट्   1. (cf.रुत् and 1. लुठ्) cl. 1. Ā.लोटते, to resist;
to suffer pain;
to shine, [Dhātup. xviii, 8] ;
cl. 10. P.लोटयति, to speak;
to shine, xxxiii, 81.
लुट्   2. (connected with √ 2.लुठ्) cl. 1. 4. P.लोटति, लुट्यति (only p.लुट्यत्, rolling, in [Bhaṭṭ.] ; Gr. also pf.लुलोट &c.),
to roll, roll about, wallow, [Dhātup. ix, 27] ;
xxvi, 113;
cl. 1. Ā.लोटते, to go, [Naigh. ii, 14] :
Caus. or cl. 10. P.लोटयति See under √ 1..
लुट्   3. (in gram.) N. of the terminations of the First Future or N. of that Tense itself.


लुट् [luṭ]   I. 1 Ā. (लोटते)
To resist, repel, oppose.
To shine.
To suffer pain. -II. 1 U. (लोटयति-ते)
To speak.
To shine. -III. 1, 4 P. (लोटोति-लुट्यति)
To roll, wallow on the ground; cf. लुठ्.
To take away, rob, plunder (perhaps for लुण्ठ् or लुण्ट्).
लुट् [luṭ]   A technical term used by Pāṇini to denote the First or Periphrastic Future or its terminations.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   r. 1st cl. (लोटति-ते)
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   1. To shine.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   2. To resist.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   3. To suffer pain.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   r. 4th cl. (लुट्यति)
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   1. To stir, to agitate.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   2. To be joined or connected with.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   3. To roll upon the ground.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   4. To rob.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   r. 1st cl. (लोटति)
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   1. To resist or oppose.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   2. To strike again.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   3. To shine. r. 6th cl. (लुटति) To embrace.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   r. 10th cl. (लोटयति-ते)
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   1. To speak.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   2. To shine, (इ) लुटि
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   r. 1st and 10th cls. (लुण्टति लुण्टयति)
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   1. To steal, to rob or plunder.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   2. To disregard, to disobey or disrespect.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   3. To be lame.
लुट्ॢ)लुटॢ   4. To be idle.


See : लुठ्

Related Words

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