लाकाक [lākāka] a. a. (-की f.) [लोके विदितः प्रसिद्धो हितो वा ठण्] Worldly, mundane, terrestrial, earthly. General, common, usual, ordinary, vulgar; लौकिकानां हि साधूनामर्थं वागनुवर्तते [U.1.1.] Of every-day life, generally accepted, popular, customary; जायापती लौकिकमेषणीयमार्द्रा- क्षतारोपणमन्वभूताम् [Ku.7.88.] Temporal, secular (opp. आर्ष or शास्त्रीय); न पैतृयज्ञियो होमो लौकिकेऽग्नौ विधीयते [Ms.3.] 282. Not sacred, profane (as a word or its sense); वाक्यं द्विविधं वैदिकं लौकिकं च T. S.; (see Mbh. quoted under लोक 8). Belonging to the world of; as in ब्रह्मलौकिक.-काः (pl.) Ordinary men, men of the world. The human race, mankind. -कम् Any general or worldly custom. -Comp. -अग्निः fire not sanctified by rituals.-ज्ञ a. knowing the ways of the world, acquainted with worldly customs; वनौकसोऽपि सन्तो लौकिकज्ञा वयम् [Ś.4.] -न्यायः a general rule or maxim.