Dictionaries | References


   { rōhin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
रोहिन्  mfn. amf(इणी)n. rising, [Nir.]
(ifc.) mounting, ascending towards, [Śiś.]
grown, shot up, long, tall, [MBh.]
(ifc.) grown on or in [R.] ; [Ragh.]
growing, increasing (in number), [Nidānas.]
रोहिन्  m. m.Andersonia Rohitaka, [L.]
Ficus Indica and Religiosa, [L.]
रोहिन्  mfn. bmf(इणी)n. See under रोह, col.2.


रोहिन् [rōhin] a.  a. (-णी f.)
Rising, growing.
Long, tall, -m. N. of several trees: रोहितक, वट, अश्वत्थ.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
रोहिन्  m.  (-ही)
1. The Indian-fig tree.
2. The holy-fig tree.
3. The Andersonia Rohitaka.
 f.  (-हिणिः-हिणी)
1. The fourth lunar asterism, figured by a wheeled carriage, and containing five stars, probably; in mythology, the asterism is personified as one of the daughters of Daksha, and wives of the moon.
2. The mother of BALARĀMA.
 f.  (-णी)
1. One of the VIDYĀDEVIS of the Jainas.
2. A cow.
3. Inflam- [Page611-a+ 56] matory affection of the throat.
4. Lightning.
5. The name of a medicinal plant.
6. The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida.)
7. A woman stained with red pigments, or red with passion, &c.
8. Yellow myrobalan, (Terminalia chebula.)
9. Bengal madder.
10. A girl nine years old.
E. रुह् to grow, aff. णिनि .
रुह् णिनि .

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