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   { rōhiṇa }
Script: Devanagari


   स्त्रीपु . मुंग्यांचे वारुळ . - ख्रिपु . [ सं . रोहण ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रोहिण  mfn. mfn. born under the asterism रोहिणी, 37 Sch.">[Pāṇ. 4-3, 37] Sch.
रोहिण  m. m.N. of विष्णु, [Hariv.]
अश्वादि   of a man g. (pl. his descendants, [ĀśvŚr.] )
   of various plants, [Mālatīm.] (Andersonia Rohitaka; Ficus Indica; andropogon Schoenanthus">andropogon Schoenanthus, [L.] )
रोहिण  n. n.N. of the ninth मुहूर्त (a part of the forenoon extending to midday, in which श्राद्धs are especially to be performed), [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रोहिण [rōhiṇa] a.  a. born under the asterism Rohiṇī.
   णः N. of Viṣṇu.
  N. N. of several plants: वट, रोहितक, भूतृण; नगराद्बहिरतिमहतो रोहिणद्रुमस्य [Dk.2.1.]
-णम्  N. N. of the 9th muhūrta (in which श्राद्धs are performed).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रोहिण  m.  (-णः)
   1. The indian-fig tree.
   2. A fragrant grass.
  n.  (-णं) A part of the fore-noon, extending to mid-day, in which Shrāddhas are especially to be observed.
   E. रुह् to grow, Unādi aff. इनन् .
रुह् इनन् .

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