रागिन् mfn. mf(इणी)n. (fr. √ रञ्ज्, and राग) coloured, having a partic. colour (applied to a kind of Amaurosis or blindness when it affects the second membrane of the eye, as opp. to अ-रागिन्, which affects the first), [Suśr.] colouring, dyeing, [L.] red, of a red colour, [Pañcat.] ; [Kathās.] impassioned, affectionate, enamoured, passionately fond of or attached to or hankering after (loc. or comp. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. gladdening, delighting, [Mālatīm.] रागिन् m. m. a painter, [L.] a lover, libertine, ib. a sort of grain, [L.]