मानिन् [mānin] a. a. [मान-इनि, मन्-णिनि वा]
Fancying considering, regarding (at the end of comp.); as in पण्डित- मानिन्, अनूचानमानी
[Bṛi. Up.6.1.2.] Honouring, respecting (at the end of comp.)
Haughty, proud, possessed of self-respect; पराभवोऽप्युत्सव एव मानिनाम्
[Ki.1.] 41; परवृद्धिमत्सरि मनो हि मानिनाम्
[Śi.15.1.] Entitled, to respect, highly honoured; मानिनो मानयेः काले
[Bk.19.] 24.
Disdainful, angry, sulky.
Being regarded or considered as. -m. A lion.
नी A woman possessed of self-respect, a strong-minded, resolute, or proud woman (in a good sense); चतुर्दिगीशानवमत्य मानिनी
[Ku. 5.53;] [R.13.38.] An angry woman, or one offended with her husband (through jealous pride); माधवे मा कुरु मानिनि मानमये
[Gīt.9;] [Ki.9.36.] A kind of odoriferous plant.