भौत [bhauta] a. a. (-ती f.) [भूतानि प्राणिनोऽधिकृत्य प्रवृत्तः, तानि देवता वा अस्य अण्]
Relating to living beings.
Elemental, material.
Mad, crazy.
तः A worshipper of demons and spirits.
An attendant upon an idol (देवल).
One of the five daily Yajñas to be performed by a householder (also called भूतयज्ञ, q. v.); होमो दैवो बलिर्भौतो नृयज्ञोऽतिथिपूजनम्
[Ms.3.7.] -तम् A collection of evil spirits.
-ती Night. -Comp.
-तुल्य, -प्रिय a. a. imbecile, deranged, like an idiot.