Dictionaries | References द दिक् { dik } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दिक् Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | DIK A river. The [Mahābhārata, Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 18] states that the water of this river was used for drinking by the people in india. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दिक् A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | In comp. as दिकपाल, दिग्भेद, दिकसाधन. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दिक् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | दिक् in comp. for 2.दिश्, p.480. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दिक् संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | noun क्षितिजस्य कल्पितेषु चतुर्षु विभागेषु एकः। Ex. मम गृहम् उत्तरस्यां दिशि वर्तते। HYPONYMY:प्राची प्रतीची दक्षिणदिक् उत्तरा उपदिक् ONTOLOGY:बोध (Perception) ➜ अमूर्त (Abstract) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:आशा हरित् निदेशिनी दिशा ककुभः हरितः गौःWordnet:asmদিশ bdदिग benদিশা hinदिशा kasطَرَف kokदिशा malദിക്ക് marदिशा mniꯃꯥꯏꯀꯩ nepदिशा oriଦିଗ panਦਿਸ਼ਾ tamதிசை telదిశ urdسمت , رخ see : क्षेत्रम्, दिश् Related Words दिक् दिशा दिक्-सूचक दिग திசை దిశ ਦਿਸ਼ਾ ദിക്ക് দিশ দিশা દિશા طَرَف ଦିଗ ದಿಕ್ಕು direction directional derivative directional projection direction angle direction consine direction cosine direction cosines direction ratio दिगङ्गना दिग्दन्तिन् दिग्देवता दिङ्नाथ spatial perception test traverse compass trough compass power steering motors compass survey orientation of runways दिगीश भोगंकरा भोगमालिनी पश्चिमाशापति minnesota spatial relations test सुभोगा सुवत्सा हरितः वत्समित्रा retrogression coefficient दिगीश्वर दिग्वारण दिशागज द्युदन्तिन् पूर्व्वदिश् उत्तरदिश् विदिश दिगधिप दिगन्तराल दिगिभ दिग्विलोकन निदेशिनी नैऋति prismatic compass commutate cardinal points commutator शून्यः दिग्भाग परिणतदिक्करिक magnetic bearing सर्वशून्या दरिद्रता अष्टदिश् गृहीतदिश् दिग्विभावित दिग्व्यापिन् दिशापाल occident orientation ककुभः गौः दिगन्तर दिग्विभाग वायवी दिगन्त दक्षिणदिक् धूमित पुष्पमाला lee वृत्तम् दिक्कर दिग्वासस् प्लवः प्रतीची प्राची commutation bearing दिगम्बर reactance horizon दिङ्नाग needle declination coast सौत्रामणी compass अधिदेव country Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP